Tuesday, November 1, 1988

R52 Brain with Mouse

 R52 Brain with Mouse
24 x 24" oil on panel

This is the third in the brain sequence of oils in the Raven Series, and is the next progression or phase of the first brain painting, 'Ravens on the Brain', R37.  The mouse is used rather humorously as the motivator or mover, in much the same way a mouse controls a computer.  The eye is now central, the tentacles spiralling outward in perpetual growth, and the 'brain cells' of the previous painting have become neurone shapes.  The fleshy growths are repeated from several other paintings, including the 'brain' watercolours, but here I have added veined tracings, to repeat the branching (growing) pattern of the tentacles and to indicate the taking and spreading of nourishment, perhaps in the form of input information becoming ideas, self-perpetuating.  The blood-red background, the red of inspiration, is the nourishing ground, feeding into the rest of the shapes like lifeblood.

There is a science involved here, too, mathematics, fractals, those wonderful repeated patterns that appear everywhere, in everything, and disappear into both outward and inward perspectives, to infinity.  The branching pattern, seen in the veins, in branches, in tentacles, in trees, in our body's appendages.  The cellular shape, seen in blood cells, in rocks, in water patterns, in bubbles, in solar systems and galaxies.  The wing shape, seen in just about everything that moves, and really just a variation of branching.  Fractals.

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